The Future Starts Here.(BETA)
The Beta District is where prototypes are tested, tweaked and honed through collaboration and feedback. We have the facilities and the community you need to make your idea ready for its public launch.
Collaboration is in Our DNA
The Future Starts Here (BETA)
The Beta District is where prototypes are tested, tweaked and honed through collaboration and feedback. We have the facilities and the community you need to make your idea
ready for its public launch.
the beta district eco system
Want to test your technology in The Beta District? Or locate a team for your next big thing?
We’d love to learn how we can support you.
the beta district eco system
Want to test your technology in The Beta District? Or locate a team for your next big thing?
We’d love to learn how we can support you.
featured use case
Forever change how we travel and navigate our cities.
- Redundant rRoadside 100-gigabit fFiber nNetwork
- 2 data centers & supercomputer access
- 35-mile connected highway
- 45+ connected city signalized intersections
- Dense urban testing environment >
- Small city testing environment >
- Statewide transportation data network
Develop the next generation of healthcare.
- Dark fiber access
- Healthcare industry cluster
- 2 data centers
- Healthcare Innovation Studio @ The Ohio State University
- 5 major hospital systems within 20-minute drive
- 50+ universities
Create the new logistics solution.
- Heavy and advanced manufacturing industry clusters
- Home to # logistics leaders and pioneers
- 4 intermodal terminals in Central Ohio
- 48% of US headquarter operations are within 1-day drive
- 45% of US population is within a 10-hour drive
- Home to commercial vehicle manufacturers
The Beta District presents the world with the opportunity to engage with all of the components needed to innovate in the future of mobility, including technical infrastructure, committed local governments, and the flexible accessible workforce of the future.
Doug McCollough
Color Coded Labs
The Beta District has developed the most advanced smart mobility ecosystem. Support from state leadership, along with partnerships with education, research and military institutions makes this the premiere location to test and deploy technology.
Preeti Choudhary
Executive Director
Drive Ohio
I work and test connected vehicle technology in The Beta District. It’s an ideal smart mobility playground – and a great place to grow your business.
Bill Corbin
MH Corbin, LLC
Innovation is the total team sport and the Beta District has brought together an amazing team of community leaders and corporate partners to push the limits of what we can all accomplish together. As the long standing healthcare provider for the region, OhioHealth is excited to support and partner in this great teamwork.
Armin Rahmanian
Ohio Health Dublin Methodist Hospital and
OhioHealth Grady Memorial Hospital
featured use case
Forever change how we travel and navigate our cities.
- Redundant Roadside 100-gigabit Fiber Network
- 2 data centers & supercomputer access
- 35-mile connected highway
- 45+ connected city signalized intersections
- Dense urban testing environment
- Small city testing environment
- Statewide transportation data network
Develop the next generation of healthcare.
- Dark fiber access
- Healthcare industry cluster
- 2 data centers
- Healthcare Innovation Studio @ The Ohio State University
- 5 major hospital systems within 20-minute drive
- 50+ universities
Create the new logistics solution.
- Heavy and advanced manufacturing industry clusters
- 4 intermodal terminals in Central Ohio
- 48% of US headquarter operations are within 1-day drive
- 45% of US population is within a 10-hour drive
- Home to commercial vehicle manufacturers
The Beta District presents the world with the opportunity to engage with all of the components needed to innovate in the future of mobility, including technical infrastructure, committed local governments, and the flexible accessible workforce of the future.
Doug McCollough
Color Coded Labs
The Beta District has developed the most advanced smart mobility ecosystem. Support from state leadership, along with partnerships with education, research and military institutions makes this the premiere location to test and deploy technology.
Preeti Choudhary
Executive Director
Drive Ohio
I work and test connected vehicle technology in The Beta District. It’s an ideal smart mobility playground – and a great place to grow your business.
Bill Corbin
MH Corbin, LLC
Innovation is the total team sport and the Beta District has brought together an amazing team of community leaders and corporate partners to push the limits of what we can all accomplish together. As the long standing healthcare provider for the region, OhioHealth is excited to support and partner in this great teamwork.
Armin Rahmanian
Ohio Health Dublin Methodist Hospital and
OhioHealth Grady Memorial Hospital
success stories
Happening In The District & Surrounding Region
success stories
Happening In The District & Surrounding Region
where is the beta district
Located in the Columbus Region, The Beta District spans several cities and counties across Central Ohio, including Columbus, Dublin, Marysville and Union County. Because of our collaborative spirit and proximity to local and state government, academia, the military and private sector, we connect people and companies to the resources they need to accomplish big, audacious ideas. Whether you’re working on an autonomous vehicle or uncrewed aircraft, a revolutionary telehealth solution, or the next space station, you can beta test it here.
Funds allocated to infrastructure technology
Technology and Science Workers Employed
Colleges & Universities Within a 20-Mile Radius
Companies Located In The Beta District
where is the beta district
Located in the Columbus Region, The Beta District spans several cities and counties across Central Ohio, including Columbus, Dublin, Marysville and Union County. Because of our collaborative spirit and proximity to local and state government, academia, the military and private sector, we connect people and companies to the resources they need to accomplish big, audacious ideas. Whether you’re working on an autonomous vehicle or uncrewed aircraft, a revolutionary telehealth solution, or the next space station, you can beta test it here.
Funds allocated to infrastructure technology
Technology and Science Workers Employed
Colleges & Universities Within a 20-Mile Radius
Companies Located In The Beta District
where the world's brightest minds play
where the world's brightest minds play
contact the beta district
let's launch tomorrow, together.
contact the beta district
let's launch tomorrow, together.
Where the future is tested in the Columbus Region