DriveOhio Releases Nation's First Systems Engineering Guidebook for Connected and Automated Vehicles
COLUMBUS, OHIO - DriveOhio has released the nation’s first statewide systems engineering guidebook for connected vehicle and automated vehicle (CV/AV) technology deployments. The purpose of this digital guidebook is to promote consistency and interoperability amongst the CV/AV technologies and supporting technical systems implemented through current, planned, and future projects for communities across the State of Ohio. It also offers users a significant head start in performing systems engineering analyses for individual projects, when needed, along with helpful tools for planning and implementing CV/AV deployments.
“As connected and automated vehicle technology continues its rapid pace of development, this guidebook is a huge milestone met as we look to scale deployments of smart mobility transportation solutions focused on safety,” said Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) Director Jack Marchbanks. “The guidebook will also support investment from the private sector as industry and community partners work with ODOT to design, test, and deploy Ohio’s 21stcentury transportation system.”
DriveOhio and the AECOM consultant team conducted a series of regional information-sharing and fact-finding workshops across Ohio to facilitate open conversations with public and private stakeholders to seek input on their transportation needs and challenges. Based on that input and technical analysis, the team cataloged current and planned CV/AV initiatives and identified what safety and traffic issues could be addressed by smart technologies. Approximately 260 stakeholders participated to provide important local insights.
“The work that DriveOhio has done with the System Engineering Guidebook and their coordination with the Village of Johnstown has provided a solid foundation for our future mobility projects,” said Jim Lenner, Village Manager. “This will save the village valuable time and money on our future smart mobility deployments.”
With CV/AV technology maturing, deployments of these smart mobility solutions will continue to scale across Ohio and the nation. With the release of this first-in-the-nation CV/AV system engineering tools, Ohio has three objectives:
- Provide CV/AV project owners with guidance and samples to conduct the step-by-step systems engineering process needed for successful CV/AV deployments, which may help to streamline project planning and deployment.
- Provide the ODOT and DriveOhio with a process for prioritizing CV/AV projects that may be eligible for statewide funding.
- Identify statewide that can implement CV/AV applications to realize safety benefits that these technologies can offer to Ohioans.
DriveOhio is focused on improving the quality of life for all Ohioans. By using the Ohio CV/AV Systems Engineering Guidebook, communities can access the latest knowledge base and state standards around CV/AV deployments and industry has a framework for collaborating with Ohio as these transportation solutions mature and scale.
“As this technology continues to evolve, we will see an explosion of investment and hiring in this sector,” Marchbanks said. ”The communities and states that will succeed in this global economy will be those with the vision and dynamism to establish relationships across multiple fields of study to develop a winning strategy. This guidebook is a key milestone in Ohio’s proven leadership in smart mobility.”